Both Islam and Christianity have many followers in Africa. Christians and Muslims often live next to each other, in many cases speak the same languages, are citizens of the same countries, belong to the same ethnic groups, share a common space, not only in the literal sense, but also a cultural or historical space. The followers of both religions have developed various dependencies, some of them are based on peaceful coexistence, there are also conflicts.
Different ways of building contacts between Islam and Christianity in the past and in contemporary Africa will be discussed by: Dr. Sabina Brakoniecka, a Hausa scholar from the Department of African Languages and Cultures at the University of Warsaw dealing with Islam in Nigeria, Dr. Nagmeldin Karamalla – political scientist specializing in the Horn of Africa problems Schools of Commerce and Services in Poznań and Dr. Krzysztof Błażewicz – an Ethiopian who has been conducting research in Ethiopian monasteries for many years.
The discussion will be chaired by dr hab. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł from the Department of African Languages and Cultures at the University of Warsaw.